Good free programs for Sandbox
From Platinum Arts Sandbox Free 3D Game Maker
2D Art
- In addition to these, you may be able to find online alternatives.
- Artweaver, a 2d paint program like photoshop. It supports layers. Some texture artist like to paint on the flat 2D uv map image for textuing and other texturing usage.
- GIMP, or the GNU Image Manipulation Program, a photo editing program that can be used for texture making.
-, a different alternative to Photoshop or the GIMP.
- Inkscape, a vector graphics editor
- NeoTextureEdit, a procedural texture generator.
- FXGen, another procedural generator.
- Allegorithmic MaPZone, another free texture generator.
- Spiral Graphics Wood Workshop, a free texture creator which specializes in wood textures.
3D Art
- Make sure to also look at 3D Modelling Programs.
- Wings3d, a great modeler with a outstanding uv mapper.
- Misfit Model 3D, to add bones and animations for your NPC or other models, plus to save your model as a md3 file with the animation data. be sure to get the lastest beta version
- CharactorFx, for adding bones and animation to your models. It's a little older program but works great and saves to md2 files.
- Blender, a 3D modeling program with support for animation and UV texturing with a large community behind it.
- Arbaro, a tree generator written in Java which can export Wavefront OBJ files, which are supported by Sandbox.
- Pixologic Sculptris, a sculpting-based 3D modelling program.
- MD3Compile, a very quick and easy converter for md2,3ds files to a md3 file. I use it for converting my static 3ds models into a md3 file plus to rebuild my 3ds model's normals.
- Tattoo 3D, This was my first 3D texturing program. It great for fast texturing but limited on more powerfull functions as it a older program. Free to use for non-commerical work.
- Blacksmith 3D, You can paint your models in realtime 3D. The "freeware" 3D painter limits your export image size to 1024 x1024 which is more than enough for Sandbox
- Notepad Plus (++), unique text tool built mainly for scripting of many different types. This can be used to edit/make CFGs in Sandbox.
- Audacity, a program useful for editing audio or converting audio files such as mp3 wav ogg
- Linux Multimedia Studio, a Linux AND Windows music making program.
- Lupas Rename, an old (~2005) program which mass renames files.
- BulkImageConverter, a mass-conversion program for images which supports BMP, EMF, EXIF, GIF, JPG/JPEG, PNG, TIF/TIFF, and WMF formats.
- ConvertShots, a TGA to JPG image converter.
- PictureResize, a batch image resizer.
For many more free programs, look at and