Menu Editing

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This Article will cover the basics of Editing the menu entries, creating your own etc
for a command reference, see Cubescript

Using Aliases

Using them

for this example, we will be using an alias dubbed 'genmapitems', while it's not important to understand it, it's important to note it uses a string to generate all the buibuttons by using the listlen and at functions. an example of such a string is

mainmaps = "hedge house tutorial"

the above will create 3 entries, in the above order, and will show their own mapshots on the right. it can be at the bottom or at the left too, depending what you do with the code.

Let's pretend to just worked hours on a map, added plenty of details, and you forgot the name and/or you wish to create a menu for it. You named the map example. Here's an example of an alias you'd use

mymaps1 = "example"

and near the end of newgui maps, you'd add

guitab "My Maps"; guilist [guilist [genmapitems $mymaps1] showmapshot] ]

Feel free to format it, so that it looks a lot more like the following

newgui maps [
    guilist [
        guilist [
            genmapitems $mainmaps
    guitab "My Maps"
    guilist [
        guilist [
            genmapitems $mymaps1

if done correctly, /showgui maps will now show your map list. and you can access it and stare at your preview shot at the hovering of a button.

How to sneakily minimise on code

Writing your own

See Also